Data Breache and Digital Security

Data Breaches and Digital Security

Companies large and small maintain their customers’ personal and financial information on, or in, reportedly secure data-bases. This information may include social security numbers, bank account and credit card numbers, dates of birth, addresses, and even buying habits. All of these things can be used for identity theft, or for other nefarious reasons. As such, companies are obligated to keep their information secure, and consumers have an expectation that this information will be kept private and not shared unless the consumer has expressly given the company explicit permission to share such data.

Information Leaks

All too often, this private information leaks to the public, either through intentional hacking and/or identity theft, or through lax security protocols and procedures. This information leak or storage negligence may have far-reaching ramifications for the victims, usually large groups of customers all at once.
At MCL, we litigate against those companies whose negligence or poor security resulted in data breaches.